Cat Mechanic - Small Changes Make a Big Difference

  • Fixed where you could buy parts while game was running
  • Fixed where camera wasn’t resetting correctly after stopping game
  • Added a little guidance text on level 1
  • Changed level 3 so that ice no longer falls off of it during build phase
  • Camera now automatically focuses on cat on level start
  • Increased size of “paused” text
  • Made camera follow cat when game starts
  • Added custom build phase cursor
  • Added custom watch phase cursor 
  • Added directions for moving camera and buying in top left
  • Changed keybinds for powered parts
  • Removed the key R for restart
  • Renamed Reset button to “Clear Build” and moved it away from the start button


Cat Play in browser
25 days ago
Cat Mechanic 28 MB
25 days ago

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